How KFTD Strives to Build a Corruption-free Work Environment

A corruption-free work environment has always become the main principle of many companies, including PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD), as part of Kimia Farma Group. Forming a dedicated system to help employees and officials report acts of corruption, KFTD created a more convenient way to report corruption acts. One way to do it is by forming a special response unit.

Dedicated Corruption Response Unit 

In accordance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), KFTD designed a special unit to respond to corruption. UPG or Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (Gratification Control Unit) is dedicated to providing a convenient way to report possibly unsavory behaviors.

Once established, the special unit became the go-to place to report any acts indicated to be bribery, corruption, and other similar behaviors. KFTD’s corruption reporting steps are quick, anonymous, and easy to follow. They include:

  1. Providing the hard proofs of the gratification report (actual documents and photos or the PDF/JPEG files)
  2. Downloading the reporting form for direct reports
  3. Using the digital form for online reporting to [email protected]

The UPG will immediately respond to the report and conduct a thorough investigation, making sure that all parties involved are investigated. This way, KFTD ensures that every report on the suspected corrupt behavior gets the same treatment.

Creating an Environment of Integrity

Along with the more convenient way to report bribery and corruption, the creation of the UPG is KFTD’s effort to create an environment of integrity. 

With an easier reporting method, employees can participate in efforts to maintain transparency in KFTD’s operations. The company makes sure that every report goes through multiple layers of investigation and that the identity of the person reporting is kept secret. An easier and safer method is the first step in ensuring that employees would not hesitate to report every corruption and bribery effort.

Maintaining transparency through simple, practical steps of reporting corruption helps KFTD apply the GCG principles. This strategy will help the company maintain trust among public and the stakeholders and ensure that the GCG principles are followed.